Into the Light
Today I emerged from the darkness into light. As a child my parents read me the Serenity Prayer... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” I have spent 3 weeks living in fear feeling that another lockdown was coming this winter. Thinking I cannot do it. Fearing I couldn’t do it again alone. I can. I don’t want to - I hope not to - but I can. I know that now. Today I chose joy instead of fear. I chose light Instead of dark. I made a list of things I had control over and I acted on them. I then decided If I can’t go outside I will go in. I made a list of things I want to do this winter. Books I want to read. Classic Movies I want to watch. Yoga poses I need to perfect. Recipes I want to cook. Did you know I can’t cook Thai food? I started a Pinterest page. Recipes I will try. Deep cleaning I need to do. Decor projects I need to finish. Work I should refocus on. Wait. I don’t like that word. Should. You shouldn’t should on yourself. I remove that word from the sentence. Work I want to refocus on. What’s that work I don’t care about? I’m eliminating it. It’s not important. I chose where I spend my time and energy. I find strength as I step into the light. And I realize I have a mission. It’s not antiques or design.
Olivier Longué was trying to tell me this last week. That’s my job. Today I remembered my mission. I am a light worker. I remembered the reason I am on this earth. I am driven and motivated to do work which makes the world a better place - brighter place. I want to improve peoples lives. I want to bring light into the world. And most of all I want to elevate people to a higher level of consciousness. Perhaps this sounds grandiose. I’m a dreamer. But I am a believer in the light. Perhaps this is the perfect time to introduce you to LEDStyle, a wellness lighting company who I have agreed to represent as their Brand Ambassador. Over the coming year I will help them introduce new lighting products to the market. And share with you my experiences as I use their wellness Led lights. Sending you light and love.
Truly Venice is a trademark owned by Property Solutions, a Swiss based company that operates as an agent for property owners wishing to lease their properties for short and long term stays. The company was founded in 2007 by a small entrepreneurial team that sees a great opportunity in offering people all over the world an alternative accommodation to hotels going beyond the traditional tourist trip.
We aim to offer a personalised service, organizing restaurant bookings and taxi services, finding the appropriate meeting and exhibition space as well as offering flowers, special wines and food baskets. Property Solutions is a customer focused company that values your ideas, comments and thoughts. We encourage you to give us feedback on any aspect of our business, whether it be about the website, the service or one of our apartments.
INSTAGRAM: @trulyveniceapartments