Republic of Toma

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Pappa al Pomodoro

Pappa al pomodoro. Tomato and Bread Soup. With Burrata. As I am starting to get organized for my return to Tuscany, I realize I haven’t yet posted my favorite videos from my last trip a few weeks ago. #travelinginitalywithcats Lunch at @villa_bordoni with #fortunyandfiorella Even for them, they were well behaved. In Europe, it’s common to bring your dog to a restaurant, but it’s a unusual to bring cats. I am trying to organize my summer so I can leave Venice during the crowdest times and stay part time in Tuscany. 6 weeks. 2 weeks of each of the next 3 months. Part vacation. Part work. I need a change in scenery. As Diana Vreeland said, “the eyes need to travel” I need to be inspired by different landscapes, different food. This classic Tuscan dish is a favorite. It’s a melange of day-old bread, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, garlic and basil. I can taste the hands crushing the freshly peeled tomatoes. I think this time they used leek instead of onions. When making a soup it’s an essential substitute giving the soup a more elegant taste. The piece de la resistance of today’s #pappaalpomodoro was the bulging ball of burrata so fresh it caused Fortuny to sit up and sniff the air. Though you can eat the soup warm, today’s version was cold. When I cut into the burrata it oozed from its skin like it was fresh from the oven. I washed it down with a Tuscan red. Chianti, of course. After all, I am in Greve. 20 years ago I first visited here and it captured a place in my heart.

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The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House

Welcome to The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House. Clients booking Antiques Diva Tuscan & Florence #antiquebuyingtours stay for FREE in our Antiques Diva Chianti Club House with tour booking. It’s not an official B&B for outside clients but a clubhouse where our clients enjoy time in the country to relax, taste wine & olive oil from our vines out our front door, take cooking classes from Toma, or even art lessons or learn #antiquesrestoration.

It’s a lifestyle retreat. A place where we can hold intensive in-person #antiquedealertraining coaching sessions and maybe, most importantly, a place where you can go to empty your mind so you can see what really matters to you. As CEO of @theantiquesdiva, what I know is that IF you can tell me your dreams - professional or personal - I can help you achieve them. But not every client is able to articulate what they want in life. You need time & space to dream.

Dream Big. Be You. Find that thing that makes your heart beat fast. That’s what this house is here for … it’s a place to help you find yourself.


INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva