Dining Alfresco


Dining alfresco. Again. So much of my life is lived indoors. As much as I prefer to be out in the #antiquesmarket I run a company and a lot of what I do is behind a desk. Coming to Chianti, I shed my clothes to be kissed by the sun. Don’t worry. I use sunblock. I picnic at lunch pouring Greek yogurt on a plate and topping it with vegetables. Pickled cucumbers like my mom use to make. Tomatoes. Red onion. Mints and other herbs I gather from the garden. It’s like a makeshift shirazi salad, but the veggies aren’t cut with precision and so much of shirazi depends upon the size of the vegetables. Let’s say this lunch is loosely inspired by shirazi. My plan is this. 6 weeks in Chianti this summer spread over 3 months. It’s a #workcation. My calendar is chocked full of afternoon calls but before 2pm each day I keep my days loose and flowy like my summer dress. I am scheduling time to do nothing. Time to lay in the grass.

As @the.holistic.psychologist says “Naps heal. Laying in the sun heals. Doing absolutely nothing but daydreaming heals. As Picasso said “creative people need time to think.” I’m toying with an idea to make more space in my life. Lately I’ve been birthing some big things. New projects. And I’ve got this idea of dividing my time between Venice and Chianti. To have more time to do nothing. To support myself. I’m creating space in my life for the things that are coming. Before a mother gives birth, her body prepares itself for labor. Hormones soften the ligaments and pelvic bones stretch and open more easily. Starting a company or implementing big projects are in a way like giving birth. Birth to ideas. And in order to support those ideas I’m thinking about finding a little house with a garden and a view on these famous #chiantihills#mylifeinitaly #tuscanstyle #dreamsdocometrue #americanabroad #workfromanywhere


ABOUT Antique Dealer Training Program: 20 HOURS OF  1:1  TRAINING

Custom, private 1:1 training sessions ideal for new – and nearly new – antiques specialists who want to fast-track your profitability as an antique dealer.

Our vision is to equip antique dealers with the tools and resources they need to sell antiques and become thought leaders shaping the future of antiques. Our team of experts provide a laser-focused program on how to build an antiques business to complement your knowledge of decorative arts. Successful decorative arts or appraisal programs focus on the study of antiques, their origin and their worth; we teach you the Business of Antiques.

Our program is individually tailored to meet your needs wherever you are in the process of becoming an antiques dealer.  If you’re just embarking on the journey of starting a new business we can help you from concept to launch. If you’re an established successful dealer who knows you are missing sales - or want to tap into a new market - we work with you to evaluate your current business and identify areas for growth opportunities and create a targeted, actionable plan.

Our sessions are one-on-one and are highly collaborative conversations that allow us to dive deep into what works specifically for you and your business. 

The Antiques Diva Training Program for Antique Dealers brings you the information you need on your schedule, right in your home.

WEBSITE: www.antiquedealertrainingprogram.com

INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva


Yes Girl

