Forget toilet paper. Let’s talk Priorities.


With the Coronaviris we are all moving towards social distancing and working from home - here are a few tips from someone already in quarantine to your future quarantined self.


You all know to stock up on basics but Self Care is also going to matter.

Buy hair dye.

Better yet schedule a hair appointment immediately before you go into quarantine so you’re starting off looking chic. Traveling most of January and February for work I missed my regularly scheduled hair appointments and mid March I find myself in quarantine with bad hair.

Yes I sound vain but good hair is essential for good mental health. If you don’t look good you don’t feel good and in quarantine finding ways to feel good matters.

Get dressed. Yesterday I realized my personal hygiene was starting to get worse. I was spending entirely too much time wearing odd combinations of sweaters layers over pajamas and no bra.

My new rules of the quarantine.

1. Get dressed everyday - lol sans bra - there are SOME advantages of a quarantine! And albeit I am wearing more comfortable attire than I might normally choose (note to those not yet in quarantine buy attractive loungewear).

2. See this as a time to do self care. Stock up on “at home” beauty treatments, oils, lotions and potions.

Ladies think about your nails. If you normally get manicures think about having an easy to maintain mani done at your next appointment because if you can’t do gel nails and on your own and they are growing out looking tacky in quarantine it’s going to drive you nuts.

3. Ladies put Lipstick on every day. Or eye make up. Or whatever you consider your must have essential look. I’m not doing full make up but a little make up makes me feel better! Whatever the case brush your teeth, your hair, shave your legs. I’m reminded of that quote, “Integrity is who you are when nobody is watching. “ so maybe it’s counterpart is “Real Beauty is who you are when nobody is watching”

4. With outside structure not being imposed on me in quarantine finding a routine is difficult. There is peace in creating routines. Try to find your regularly scheduled rhythm- I’m going to bed earlier in bed by 9pm but up by 5am.

5. For me how I start my day matters. Journal. Use this time to go deep inside yourself. Transformation happens in times of darkness. Be brave enough to go Into that dark place.

6. Environment matters - think aromatherapy. Scent enhances your mood. Buy candles. Get a diffuser. Do a ritual and sage your house. Stock up what you need to make cookies. There is no better olfactory sensation that everything is going to be alright than the smell of cookies baking .

7. Think about sound. I find I’m listening to more praise music because it lifts my spirit.

8. Use this opportunity to purge. Clean your closet, but also clean out your friends. I blocked a friend on social media and what’s app because I realized this relationship was not serving me and making me sad. Now is not the time to allow negative people into your life.

9. Keep your emotions in check. I definitely have a shorter fuse. Be clear. Be direct. Apologize when you’re an ass and move on. Don’t internalize.

10. Make your bed everyday. Use lavender linen spritz so when crawl in bed at night your bed envelopes you in a peaceful night sleep.

And a bonus tip - stock up on your hobby supplies. If you paint get palettes, If you garden buys seeds... etc

Simple tips but things I’m learning in quarantine. And yes - as the garbage man is the only human contact I’ve had in the last 24 hours I put lipstick to bring him my trash. This video made me laugh.


Everyday Beauty

