Intuition in Design
I’ve always had an interest in esoteric subjects but in 2020 I’m taking more of an interest in learning about these topics that interest me. I first began dabbling in crystals by accident. I was designing my jewelry collection The Republic of Toma and met one of the editors from Thai Tatler magazine who commented that my choice of stones was interesting. That my stones told the story of my soul.
I found it a curious comment and inquired what she meant:
“Rubies and Citrines : Power, Success, Passion and Money . You’re starting a new venture designing jewelry and you’ve chosen stones that will guarantee your success . But Rose Quartz means love . You’re looking for love . Either externally or inside yourself . Aquamarine is a stone of courage . Its calming energy reduces stress and quiets the mind . Your mind is very noisy I think .”
Her comment left me frozen. In designing jewelry had I literally put my heart on my sleeve? When I looked at the motifs I designed, snakes, frogs, etc… they were all symbols of transformation. This started me on a journey researching stones and their meanings.
As humans we have intuition. Intuitively we are drawn to things we like. But our intuition leads us to what we like or don’t like, what we need or sometimes what we’re afraid of. I remember once going to the stone quarry in Italy and talking with one of the geologists about stones. I asked if he believed that stones had special powers assuming as a scientist he’d laugh at the notion. Instead he responded, “If your body needs potassium, it craves a banana. Why not Rose Quartz for love?”
While at KBIS, visiting our sponsor COMPAC: The Surfaces Company – the leading company in high quality decorative surfaces – I thought for the first time about the materials I’m using in my home. I’ve always wanted only real materials – granite, real wood etc, but it occured to me that just as the stones I choose to wear in my jewelry give me additional help with the problems I’m facing so then would the stones I choose in your house have the same effect. This is Holistic living.
Their stall at KBIS was filled with various marbles and quartzes. Looking up their properties, I learned that Marble is a grounding stone. It is the idea of security, strength and stability. It provides for the strength of self control and mastery of our thoughts. It enhances the powers of serenity, which is why it makes for a soothing meditation stone. Meanwhile Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom with various quartzes bringing different healing properties.
When you think of seeking help from alternative means, it impacts the entire way you live. I bring fresh flowers and plants into my house because they bring life. I use aromatherapy to enhance my mood. I often use various scents in my diffuser, but only recently did I consider what those scents meant. Here lately as I’ve been choosing Geranium Oil in the diffuser and out of curiosity I looked it up. Guess what? It reduces feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and tension! Definitely what I need during this difficult life period. And intuitively I knew it. In my bedroom I spritz my bed each more with lavender spray. Not only does it transport me to Provence, but it also has a calming, sedative quality and is known to promote rest and relaxation, helping it to treat anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
Look around your own home - and into your jewelry box. What stones and scents are you drawn to? Do you have a signature scent? What are the notes present? Or is there a favorite candle? Now examine this object.
Are you particularly drawn to Carrara marble? Google its spiritual significance. White marble is believed to have strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It provides for strength of self control and mastery of thought. White marble is used as a cleansing stone, often used in the fields of naturopathy and homeopathy for its balancing qualities.
Go through your home and touch objects. Are you drawn towards or away from certain objects? Have you ever been in a public space and felt your skin crawl? What was the situation? Was it a person or an object? Think about the things - smells as well as objects - ones you like and ones you don’t like. What you don’t like is often just as significant as what you do.
You live in an age of information - you can access anything. Google the significance of the things you don’t like and perhaps this will shine light on areas you need to remove, declutter or improve upon in your life.
Today, COMPAC is a large multinational with 100% Spanish capital that has learned how to grow while preserving the flexibility and independent decision-making spirit of a family-owned corporation.With a team of over 300 professionals, COMPAC's competitive difference is its specialization in producing Engineered Stone. This advanced production method improves the physical and chemical characteristics of natural minerals and sustains the international leadership of COMPAC in the manufacture and distribution of technological marble and quartz.