Monkey Mind

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Truly Venice Apartments - Toma Clark Haines - Republic of Toma Diary.jpg

Yesterday I found my electric bill in the refrigerator. Just sitting on the shelf between the veal cutlet and smoked salmon. 

Lately I’ve been experiencing what Buddhists call “monkey mind”. I’ve been easily distracted.  It’s Covid Brain. Lockdown brain. I’ve found I can do 1 full on fully focused work day followed by a day of distraction. I'm giving myself permission to work this way. 

Coming up with new routines, new expectations of myself. 

When I allow and acknowledge how I currently need to work - when I go with the flow- I am so much better. 

I am learning now that self care is really just maintenance. You have to change the oil for the engine to run. 

What things are you doing as “maintenance” that you use to not do?

Note I’m wearing the monkey knucklebuster ;) with black diamond to remind me to allow my brain time to swing from the trees- just like children at school need recess when you give your brain a play break it makes it easier to concentrate when you do get back to work!

Forgive yourself for not being normal. Nothing is normal these days. Why should you be?


Truly Venice is a trademark owned by Property Solutions, a Swiss based company that operates as an agent for property owners wishing to lease their properties for short and long term stays. The company was founded in 2007 by a small entrepreneurial team that sees a great opportunity in offering people all over the world an alternative accommodation to hotels going beyond the traditional tourist trip.

We aim to offer a personalised service, organizing restaurant bookings and taxi services, finding the appropriate meeting and exhibition space as well as offering flowers, special wines and food baskets. Property Solutions is a customer focused company that values your ideas, comments and thoughts. We encourage you to give us feedback on any aspect of our business, whether it be about the website, the service or one of our apartments.


INSTAGRAM: @trulyveniceapartments


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