Republic of Toma


I am a nation of one.

The Republic of Toma.

I slept last night. The whole night through. Yesterday I paced. The caged energy of a tiger. Worried about a universe of uncertainties.

I started projects. Stopped.

The cats picked up my energy. Fiorella howled. Let me out! She demanded at my front door. While gathering stones from my office window - they’d been bathing in the pink full moon light the night before - Fortuny slipped out walking a tight rope onto my neighbors ledge. He was uncertain how to return.

This morning I woke full of energy. Free. Focused. Clear. I say my affirmation. The one Margaret gave me making me realize the power of female friendships.

“Everywhere I go I prosper. Everything I do works out for me. I am attracting unconditional love, abundance, clarity, high vibrational experiences and sacred connections. I am thriving in every way. Things are becoming more clear for me. I celebrate my life.”

My friend Art says I am no longer in quarantine I’ve become an artist in residence. I think about that caged tiger. Tigers travel long distances, but they also spend much of their time resting saving their energies. The tiger is silent & solitary. When she removes all distractions her focus becomes laser sharp.

Pink plays in the background. I close my eyes and I can see. A world that's waiting up for me that I call my own.

A vision of the future is starting to take shape.

I hear its feet. In my periphery I catch glimpses like a ghost you know is there but disappears when you turn to see. It calls me to me by name.

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say, They can say, I've lost my mind. I don’t care, I don’t care, if they call me crazy. We can live in a world that we design

A tiger doesn’t rush and roar. Thats been my habit. Its what I told my yogini in Siem Reap- up until now what I achieved I did by force. My spirit is strong. But in January it came to me. It’s why I went to Cambodia in February.

Now is the time to listen. Now is the time to wait. Now is the time to to change. Not by force but by... but by... I seek the right word to complete this sentence... I dont have it. I’m looking for the answer. Wondering how to fill in the blank. How would you?

When the tiger rushes, they lose their pray. That typo was a Freudian slip. I keep it and don’t correct the misspelling. Take a step back and think of the best approach. "Don't hold anything too tightly," Oprah advises in a clip at the Goop podcast's beginning. "Just wish for it, want it, let it come from the intention of real truth for you, and if it's supposed to be yours, it will show up. And it won't show up until you stop holding it so tightly."

Sometimes to be successful in life, you need to forego speed and aggression. Sometimes you just need to slow down, listen closely, and wait for God’s perfect timing, no matter how long it takes.

Quarantine is officially suppose to end next week April 13 but no one thinks it will. Italy’s government is certainly planning to extend lockdown to an unknown date in May. They say it will be a gradual lifting of restrictions. One store opening at a time, individuals being allowed a few more civil liberties back, one after another. In quarantine I learn patience. I learn a lot of things about myself while I listen and wait.


He’s not your typical antique dealer. 10 years ago Daniel Larsson - a Skateboarder turned the high end luxury antiques market on a tailspin when he became Sweden’s top antiques dealer. Now, Daniel alongside his rock singer/accountant wife are taking on a new brand and adventure in the home furnishings marketplace offering timeless classic designs, inspired by the finest 18th - 19th-century Swedish furniture. Think what would happen if RockerChic met Beethoven. With the increasing popularity and demand for fine authentic examples of historic Swedish furnishings, it is no longer possible to meet the demand with antiques alone. Original examples rarely come to market and when they do - they command premium prices. Larsson & Berg has build an archive of the finest historic original designs and they are educating contemporary craftsmen to recreate them. The goal of LARSSON & BERG is to safeguard Swedish designs and to develop, create and showcase high-quality classic Swedish furnishings, informed by their experience and knowledge of unique original examples. Join me in welcoming a new brand and adventure in the home furnishings marketplace by Daniel & Cristina Larsson. .


INSTAGRAM:  @trade_d.larsson 


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Love & Anguish