Thanksgiving a Firenze…


There couldn’t have been a more perfect Thanksgiving. Derrick @jetsetterderrick arrived and Thanksgiving is his birthday. What do you want to do for your birthday I asked? Let’s go on an adventure. Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first? I asked. Oh definitely now he said. Definitely now. This conversation over spritz on Tuesday night.

By Wednesday morning 2 rooms are booked at the @oltrarnosplendid in Florence and had hopped in a rental car to drive south to Florence. A last minute trip with 2 of my favorite boys. Leaving was a whirlwind. Cancel the dinner plans I’d made with friends for Thursday. (I felt guilty to miss:(. Drop off the chairs and cranberrjes. Go to the pharmacy to schedule covid tests for the boys flight home. A quick coffee with a friend near the garage. Cazzo! I forgot to cancel my trainer. Have I mentioned my #bunsofsteel - it’s the 2nd thing after my eyes Derrick commented on upon arrival. For the first year of my life I’ve gone to the gym every week for 1 year. And wait - I was supposed to… forget it, I’ll do it Sat. Let’s go to Florence!

We throw clothes in a suitcase and the cats are chagrined to discover they are not coming with - don’t worry I’ll bring you to Turin next week - And then we packed my foldable Longchamp travel bag inside my case and fled Venice. This will be thrice in one month. Why the extra travel bag? D asked. The shopping. You’ll die. As he’s having a jacket custom made he concurred. Best shopping ever. And dinner. Florentine beef. I kiss my fingers (then lick them ). And truffles. Mamma Mia. The truffles. I ask the waiter to Marry Me. The neighbors at the table next to us listen openly to our conversation. I turn and chat and before we know it phone numbers are exchanged. Then a long conversation in Italian ensues. Jacob and Derrick turn to me in surprise. You’re fluent they say. I laugh - far far from it. But yes. I’ve made progress. I love going abroad. A trip to the mainland is “abroad” for a Venetian. I get to practice my Italian on strangers who are patient enough to listen to my accent and gender flexible nouns.

Thanksgiving in Florence. Best thanksgiving ever. Sono contenta.


ABOUT Antique Dealer Training Program: 20 HOURS OF  1:1  TRAINING

Custom, private 1:1 training sessions ideal for new – and nearly new – antiques specialists who want to fast-track your profitability as an antique dealer.

Our vision is to equip antique dealers with the tools and resources they need to sell antiques and become thought leaders shaping the future of antiques. Our team of experts provide a laser-focused program on how to build an antiques business to complement your knowledge of decorative arts. Successful decorative arts or appraisal programs focus on the study of antiques, their origin and their worth; we teach you the Business of Antiques.

Our program is individually tailored to meet your needs wherever you are in the process of becoming an antiques dealer.  If you’re just embarking on the journey of starting a new business we can help you from concept to launch. If you’re an established successful dealer who knows you are missing sales - or want to tap into a new market - we work with you to evaluate your current business and identify areas for growth opportunities and create a targeted, actionable plan.

Our sessions are one-on-one and are highly collaborative conversations that allow us to dive deep into what works specifically for you and your business. 

The Antiques Diva Training Program for Antique Dealers brings you the information you need on your schedule, right in your home.


INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva


…Thanksgiving a casa


How I have changed…