The Awakening
Fia looks at me imploring.
She’s the psychic one. She knows things. She goes and gets in the basket before we have to leave the house to go to the Veterinarian. Or when I need to escape into the sunlight she sneaks into the laundry closet and sits by her leash waiting for me to take her out.
I don't feel as connected to her as Fortuny, who just loves unconditionally - no - that's not it, he’s simpler, he just wants to be loved unconditionally - rub my belly - feed me -let me
wrap my body around your head like a halo while you sleep- paws tangled - kneading in my hair. He purrs. She keeps her distance. She’s more reserved. More cat than dog. But also - she is so much wiser than he. She watches me. She misses nothing. She knows things. And this morning she sees.
I’ve slept for the last 3 nights solid and long, 10, 12 hours. The energy of water - perhaps the moon - has pulled me under the dream waves of darkness. But sleep isn’t restoring me. Normally no matter what happens, no matter how bad I feel I know if I can go to sleep the world will feel better in the morning. The world has stopped feeling better in the morning.
I feel like this is never going to end.
But now, this morning, Easter morning, in spite of how I feel I have risen. My arms stretch high over my head, my fingers spread and I arch my back feeling a delicious yawn starting at my tailbone and traveling up along my spine. Every muscle across my shoulders tense. I yawn and pull the breathe back deep into me. My lungs expand. Thank you Heavenly Father for today. Help me find peace. Find gratitude. To give back in someway into the day. Amen.
The Awakening.
Sun is streaming in on my bed. The cats surround me enthusiastic we are starting the day. They wait for me to crawl from the covers. But here... under the covers...time passes so much more quickly. It’s less hours to pass alone. In sleep I travel. I dance. I throw wild parties. I visit princes and palaces. I throw a parade.
I linger. A few moments more. I go back to sleep
Self-care is the way we take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and psychologically. For me self-care means cooking amazing dinners, treating myself to the same luxuries I would treat a house guest. It's getting a massage or doing a home facial. During quarantine, it's taking time to massage oil into my legs or do extra long sessions with aromatherapy in the shower. Self care can be as simple as getting enough sleep, or exercising - dance challenge anyone? - but did you know interaction with pets can be an excellent way to implement self care. As pet owners, we may notice that our pets react to all of our emotions, including anxiety, sadness, and fear. So how do pets help aid self care? First of all snuggling! They help us focus on healthy relationships. They need time with us, but they teach us that we need time with other people too. By caring for our pets they encourage us to care for ourselves. Cleaning my cats litter box - gets me cleaning my house - and cleaning the house is self care! Pets need exercise. They need to run and play. And you can find your joie de vivre when you play with your pets! You can also learn alot from your cat. My cats follow the sun around the house. We need sunshine just like they do! And cats are excellent at doing nothing. I'm a do-er. So it's good to be reminded of the art of Dolce Far Niente! You should feel guilty about lazy moments but rather enjoy them with the zest of your pet!
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