Conference Call Art
Conference Call Art. I think I should start a new tab in my stories of the things I draw while on @theantiquesdiva conference calls. I’ve embraced this #workfromanywhere mentality I’m on an early morning zoom overlooking the Colline del Chianti. And my colleague asks “What are you writing?” “I’m not.” I say, showing him my drawing. Rows of vines. I sit in fresh air doing more work than I intended on this workcation. Work +Vacation = #workcation
Here is my plan. 6 weeks in #Chianti spread over the course of the summer. The cats #fortunyandfiorella think it’s a genius idea. Fortuny literally bought me his leash this morning when I was in the bathtub soaking in epsom rose salts. I think Frank Sinatra Jr Jr - the #travelinggoldfish - might also appreciate the #changeofscenery Seeing new things helps with mental health & depression giving a fresh perspective reducing stress and creating more productivity. Unfamiliar activities encourage our brain to break from routine. This gives the space to develop new neural connections. #neurosciencegeek“Neuroplasticity” is your brain’s ability to rewire itself when it recognizes the need to do so. *In other words, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.* Your brain continues developing throughout your life. Experts believe the negative thought patterns that occur with depression result from interrupted neuroplasticity processes. Thus changing the scenery & traveling promotes positive neuroplasticity. In layman’s terms it rewrites patterns to improve #mentalhealth In addition to #traveling, learning new languages or a new musical instrument boosts this same brain matter. Moving your body not only helps your physical health but mental health. Plus, creating art helps you see the world - and your life - in new, unique ways. #arttherapy Perhaps the best thing you can do for your brain is UNFOCUS. #Meditation is great but did you know you reach the same brainwave as meditation with massage? This same state is also achieved through #doodling!
Which brings me back to my #conferencecallartand my #workcation Ohhh next I have to show you my finger-painting!
#brainhacks #melrobbins #brainhealth#mentalhealthawareness #wellnessjourney
The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House
Welcome to The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House. Clients booking Antiques Diva Tuscan & Florence #antiquebuyingtours stay for FREE in our Antiques Diva Chianti Club House with tour booking. It’s not an official B&B for outside clients but a clubhouse where our clients enjoy time in the country to relax, taste wine & olive oil from our vines out our front door, take cooking classes from Toma, or even art lessons or learn #antiquesrestoration.
It’s a lifestyle retreat. A place where we can hold intensive in-person #antiquedealertraining coaching sessions and maybe, most importantly, a place where you can go to empty your mind so you can see what really matters to you. As CEO of @theantiquesdiva, what I know is that IF you can tell me your dreams - professional or personal - I can help you achieve them. But not every client is able to articulate what they want in life. You need time & space to dream.
Dream Big. Be You. Find that thing that makes your heart beat fast. That’s what this house is here for … it’s a place to help you find yourself.
INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva