Energy Shifting


Earlier this week I wrote about repositioning my bed, explaining it was shifting the energy in my house. Your home is an extension of your energy field. Simply cleaning your house or purging your closet can shift your energy. This whole week I’ve been spring cleaning. Yesterday I had lunch with @beyond_the_biennale, and we were discussing #energywork and how moving energy can help you refuel, #renew, and get into alignment with yourself. While I believe in consulting a professional, I also think we are #selfhealers and that #selfhealing is #selfcare. Lol and you alll know what a proponent I am of #selfcarefirst Sometimes I micro dance. I turn on Miley Cyrus and I come in like a wrecking ball, shaking up the whole space and the floorboards. I can buy myself flowers. Literally. I have peonies next to my bed & on my desk. Flowers help. Being in nature helps. Physically moving your body moves your emotions. I just woke in the middle of the night from an “anger dream.” Depression is anger turned inwards. Unexpressed anger. My body does this amazing thing…when I can’t express anger about a situation sometimes if I am lucky, it comes out in a dream. I love it when this happens because it’s moving soul energy through my body. Sleep is your body’s time to heal yourself. It restores your body but also your mind. As I told Rochelle, the famous Winston Churchill quote, “If you’re going through hell, keep going - don’t set up camp.” I rarely express anger during the day. Something in my life taught me it wasn’t safe to express anger so I usually rationally talk through a situation when mad. But that means I can have a hard time expressing anger, which isn’t healthy. So my brain - our brains - literally processes during sleep the things we are not able to process during the day. So I wake. It’s the middle of the night. It’s raining again. And I feel the energy shift in me but also the whole house. So I go & I start opening windows letting out the old energy and in fresh energy, listening to rain on the canal outside my window, feeling the cool breeze. When I come back to bed both cats are purring beside me. They feel it too.

Energy shifting. *What do you do move blocked energy?


The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House

Welcome to The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House. Clients booking Antiques Diva Tuscan & Florence #antiquebuyingtours stay for FREE in our Antiques Diva Chianti Club House with tour booking. It’s not an official B&B for outside clients but a clubhouse where our clients enjoy time in the country to relax, taste wine & olive oil from our vines out our front door, take cooking classes from Toma, or even art lessons or learn #antiquesrestoration.

It’s a lifestyle retreat. A place where we can hold intensive in-person #antiquedealertraining coaching sessions and maybe, most importantly, a place where you can go to empty your mind so you can see what really matters to you. As CEO of @theantiquesdiva, what I know is that IF you can tell me your dreams - professional or personal - I can help you achieve them. But not every client is able to articulate what they want in life. You need time & space to dream.

Dream Big. Be You. Find that thing that makes your heart beat fast. That’s what this house is here for … it’s a place to help you find yourself.


INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva


Tuscan Mornings


Beach Lunch