

Signs. Robert Moss calls it Sidewalk Tarot. Signs are everywhere if we are open. Working in art & antiques I am trained in understanding symbols. But this understanding started long before studying. It’s the divinity within

The world is speaking to you. If you listen.

Recently for me it’s numbers. 333. This number chases me of late. My eyes open at 3:33. I can’t turn a corner or a page, check emails or pop into buy a snack without seeing this number. What number do you see?

333. The Ascendent Masters are with you. Urging you to move forward. A reminder wisdom comes from many forms. God. The Universe. Jesus.
Buddha. Saint Germain. Moses. Quin Yin. Lao Tzu. Signs. Be open. Receive. Your prayer is heard.

The first time I heard the universe speak I was 6. I was given 2 totems. The first I refused to accept until later in my life. The 2nd came to me each night. I live in Venice now but as a child I grew up on a ranch in northwest Oklahoma. And each night a Bobcat watched me sleep. Bobcats can see in the dark. They see things we do not see. They channel and trust their instincts- relying on senses they do not understand. You don’t have to understand in order to believe.

He would come to me from the fields at night to sleep on the slanted cellar door below my bedroom window. My sister slept soundly on the top bunk. I lay in bed - the bobcats glowing eyes my nightlight.

I should have been scared but I wasn’t.
He was there to teach me. The bobcat moves through the wild silently. Be strategic- combine intellect with playfulness. He changes his course - Surprise is an element of strategy- Patience is needed in all things especially in pursuing goals. And I had dreams to realize.

Be alert. Listen. Watch. Read without words.

Patterns appear when energetic awareness is tuned in. Repeated patterns are synchronicities. They occur because of energy. We attract whatever our energy field is ready to receive. Noticing synchronicities increasing in your life is a sign of evolution. As you move up the spiritual pyramid you notice more synchronicities because you no longer have to focus on lower-tier survival needs. You- my dear - are evolving. Look for the signs.


The universe of "Merveilles de Babellou" 

It is in the historic heart of the Saint-Ouen flea market, the largest antiques market in the world, that Isabelle Klein opened “Les Merveilles de Babellou” at the Marché Bert, in 2008.

With its expertise in vintage fashion, it contributes in its own way to the heritage of this emblematic institution, by presenting a very specialized selection from the history of great French fashion designers and brands. More than a country, it's a whole universe to discover in a refined setting. 

Indeed, owning rare or exceptional pieces is a luxury when these flagship models are part of the history of fashion. Beyond the cultural endorsement of a trend, vintage luxury is a dream, a journey through time that meets the dual requirement today of being both unique and eco-responsible.

Specializing in fashion jewelry from fashion designers including those from Chanel, Isabelle Klein has assembled a large collection of luxury clothing and accessories paying tribute to the history of fashion.


INSTAGRAM: @lesmerveillesdebabellou


RIP. My mom


Sardines (and sage)