The Buck Moon

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The Buck Moon 🌝 continues -
It’s a special moon - they all are- but this moon reminds me of regrowth. The Buck Moon is called such because the antlers of male deer are in full-growth mode at this time of year. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by. In the end of July their new antlers start as little velvet nubs - full of power - full of potential. As the year goes by they get stronger, longer, more proud as they grow in confidence. This moon I am letting go of the past. Letting go of so many things that held me- for so long I was like a buck who didn’t want to shed his antlers, holding onto the old antlers, which were too small to serve me in where I was going.

I need to shed the past so I can grow a better future. Like the buck we need to shed that which is not serving us to make room for new positive energies to come into our life.


Truly Venice is a trademark owned by Property Solutions, a Swiss based company that operates as an agent for property owners wishing to lease their properties for short and long term stays. The company was founded in 2007 by a small entrepreneurial team that sees a great opportunity in offering people all over the world an alternative accommodation to hotels going beyond the traditional tourist trip.

We aim to offer a personalised service, organizing restaurant bookings and taxi services, finding the appropriate meeting and exhibition space as well as offering flowers, special wines and food baskets. Property Solutions is a customer focused company that values your ideas, comments and thoughts. We encourage you to give us feedback on any aspect of our business, whether it be about the website, the service or one of our apartments.


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Sardines (and sage)


An Artist Date