About Last Night
About last night. Piazza San Marco. Sans filter. It’s been ages since @boncompagni.valeria & I’ve gotten together. Life is busy for us both. Now that it’s Spring we’re fantasizing about boating in the lagoon. She, Me, 2 books, a picnic & a bottle of wine. But 1st @grancaffequadri. When she invited me for drinks, I couldn’t resist. When she invited also @gigibonvenezia.official, I was even more delighted to make a new friend in Venice. Both these ladies are artists. They are women who live their dreams. Entrepreneurs. Women who have made compromises for their careers. Women at the top of their game. I left feeling inspired. Life has been busy to the point of overwhelm.
Yesterday I worked hard. I had multiple meetings, but I took me time. When @beyond_the_biennale & I were working on a GroupTour with @theantiquesdiva, we were discussing that on #springequinox all things are equal. I worked hard. In general, I try not to do more than 3 meetings a day because it fries my brain if I do more. I’m good at setting boundaries but lately, 5-7 meetings per day have been essential in order to get everything done. Yesterday I still did 6 meetings. 3 more than my personal threshold. But I also used a gift certificate for a massage. I organized my home. #springcleaning I made banana muffins. I met a friend for drink.
Spring Equinox is the day when all things are equal. Equal light & dark. @laurajessicapritchard is always reminding me I said post pandemic I don’t want to get too crazy busy again. I am ambitious. I have big dreams. It’s going to require a shedload of work to accomplish them. I understand with the projects it requires significantly more work - to be busier than I prefer to be. Which is all the more reason to remember balance. In all things be equal. I maintained my mental health through taking me time. It meant I couldn’t do everything. It’s 5am & I’m up working on my website. I was supposed to do it yesterday. In running a business & life of your dreams you make Priorities. Compromises. And find ways for balance. It’s not easy to do but it matters. PS. Much like @amyburkechiro matters :) her birthday was yesterday. She’s also a #girlboss & part of my #girltribe
The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House
Welcome to The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House. Clients booking Antiques Diva Tuscan & Florence #antiquebuyingtours stay for FREE in our Antiques Diva Chianti Club House with tour booking. It’s not an official B&B for outside clients but a clubhouse where our clients enjoy time in the country to relax, taste wine & olive oil from our vines out our front door, take cooking classes from Toma, or even art lessons or learn #antiquesrestoration.
It’s a lifestyle retreat. A place where we can hold intensive in-person #antiquedealertraining coaching sessions and maybe, most importantly, a place where you can go to empty your mind so you can see what really matters to you. As CEO of @theantiquesdiva, what I know is that IF you can tell me your dreams - professional or personal - I can help you achieve them. But not every client is able to articulate what they want in life. You need time & space to dream.
Dream Big. Be You. Find that thing that makes your heart beat fast. That’s what this house is here for … it’s a place to help you find yourself.
WEBSITE: www.antiquesdiva.com
INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva