Marscapone Gelato


Marscapone gelato. Already I’ve got your interest. Drizzled in olive oil and fat salt, with crushed hazelnuts. My mouth is an explosion of flavors. And I kid you not, I would have picked the bowl up and slowly licked it so clean that the dishwasher could have skipped a step it and put it back on the shelf clean as a whistle - but - The only thing that kept my tongue from lapping the dish was simply the fact the waiter, damn him, took it before I could do my duty. He’s downright lucky that he had already taken my fork away otherwise I might have stabbed him with the 4 prongs in his thigh.


Good the way movie theater popcorn tastes even better with M&Ms, the way strawberries come to life under the fudgy acid of balsamic cream. Like in love, in food science opposites attract and baby when the chemistry is this good, it makes you make really bad decisions. I think of that man I can’t say no to. One look from him and the elastic on my underpants sizzle. Crimes are committed for this sort of passion, and I’m not sure if I’m talking about the gelato or the man. I’m not a Gelato American. You know the ones. Those Americans who arrive in Italy and say a day isn’t complete without gelato twice a day. My colleague and friend Chiara in Florence says, “Why do Americans like gelato so much? It’s for children,“ and normally I agree with her. I don’t see the fascination. But this is Spank Me Good Gelato at @nevodi_ristorante It’s Rated R. No. Let’s be honest. It’s X rated. Get me a room. Now I understand why the dish ran away with the spoon. This is intoxicating love. Oh so bad for me love. Toma and Nevodi sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. #gelato#americansinitaly #foodporn #ladolcevita #mylifeinvenice#nevodi #nevodivenezia #italogram #diningoutvenice#getaroom


The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House

Welcome to The Antiques Diva Chianti Club House. Clients booking Antiques Diva Tuscan & Florence #antiquebuyingtours stay for FREE in our Antiques Diva Chianti Club House with tour booking. It’s not an official B&B for outside clients but a clubhouse where our clients enjoy time in the country to relax, taste wine & olive oil from our vines out our front door, take cooking classes from Toma, or even art lessons or learn #antiquesrestoration.

It’s a lifestyle retreat. A place where we can hold intensive in-person #antiquedealertraining coaching sessions and maybe, most importantly, a place where you can go to empty your mind so you can see what really matters to you. As CEO of @theantiquesdiva, what I know is that IF you can tell me your dreams - professional or personal - I can help you achieve them. But not every client is able to articulate what they want in life. You need time & space to dream.

Dream Big. Be You. Find that thing that makes your heart beat fast. That’s what this house is here for … it’s a place to help you find yourself.


INSTAGRAM: @theantiquesdiva


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Living Chinese